So You Want to be a Freelance Translator or 翻译: T怎么样?&I Industry Laid Out?
T怎么样?&I industry laid out?
作为前言, 自从我开始做翻译以来,朋友和家人无数次来问我关于我工作的问题. Do I actually have a job? Do people pay me to do it? 我为谁工作? The questions are not always this blatant, 但我经常能感觉到一个潜在的问题:翻译和口译行业到底是如何运作的, 对于懂第二语言的人来说,这是否是一个可行的职业. In short, the answer is yes!
永利登录网址的行业是如何布局的,这通常是人们不会直接问的问题, but it is the first topic I address in my response. 在你考虑成为一名翻译或口译员之前,掌握这些基础知识是至关重要的,这样你就可以决定你是否喜欢你的生活方式, 你的技能, your background—will make a good fit for the industry, 反之亦然.
翻译和. 解释
首先要区分的是翻译和口译的区别. Check out the infographic below to get an idea (credit: Translation is written; when you translate, 你收到一份用一种语言写的文件,然后把它翻译成另一种语言——通常是在电脑上, but sometimes by hand. Interpreting is spoken; interpreters work in person, 通过电话, 或者通过视频, 通过用第二种语言大声地传达同样的信息,从而使另一个人或其他人能够理解所说的话,从而实时翻译所说的话.
Translation and 解释 require very different skills; translators are strong writers with a good grasp of writing conventions in their target language. 他们需要能够正确地理解源语言,以创建合适的翻译. 口译员, 另一方面, 应该有很强的两种语言的说话技巧,必须能够产生连贯和准确的翻译所说的话.
What is a language pair?
翻译或口译员提供服务的语言组合称为他们的“语言对”.” Translators usually work 从 one language 成 another; 例如, I work 从 Spanish 成 English (Spanish>English), 也就是说,我的客户用西班牙语寄给我文件,而我用英语交付翻译后的文件. It is a good rule of thumb to remember that translators usually work 成 their native language. 这是因为永利登录网址大多数人天生就擅长用母语写作,所以永利登录网址工作 从 our second language 成 永利登录网址的第一个. 口译员, 另外, may work with both languages at the same level; 例如, if an interpreter is hired to help a doctor communicate with her patient, 口译员需要说两种语言,以便双方都能理解. 在这种情况下, we would say that the interpreter’s language pair is Spanish-English, since he is not working 成 one language or the other. 作为旁注, 一些口译员在会议上提供他们的服务,演讲者或演讲者用一种语言发言,一些或所有与会者需要用他们自己的语言听演讲(这被称为会议口译)。. If, 例如, a group of marine biologists 从 Mexico attends a conference in Miami, their interpreter would be working 从 Spanish>English, 并且很可能在说话者说话时通过耳机同时提供翻译.
Who do you work for?
This is one of the questions I hear most often. 很大比例的笔译和口译员是自由职业者,这意味着永利登录网址为自己工作! 永利登录网址的客户可能是需要永利登录网址服务的翻译机构或其他公司的直接客户. 大多数T&专业人士为世界各地的客户工作,这使得一个有趣的工作日! 翻译和口译有一些全职工作机会, but much of the industry is built on an independent contractor model. There are pros and cons to working for yourself:
优点 | 缺点 |
灵活的安排 | 不稳定的收入 |
The more you work, the more you earn | 孤独 |
Work varies and can be very interesting | No employer benefits |
要成为一名熟练和成功的翻译或口译员,重要的是要有自我激励! Especially if you are going to become a freelancer, 你要确保自己有足够的毅力来制定自己的时间表, 管理你的时间, and keep growing your business. 掌握两种或两种以上的语言技能也是很重要的. 重要的是要认识到,掌握两种语言并不能自动使一个人成为翻译或口译员! Knowing two languages is crucial, 但重要的是要有培训或经验,教会你翻译或口译的来龙去脉:你可能会遇到的陷阱, 最佳实践, and the code of ethics by which you must live and work. 那些不适合做笔译或口译的双语人士,想把他们的双语技能用在其他方面,可以找到作为语言教师的好工作机会, bilingual medical or legal providers, language project managers, 诸如此类. 事实上,会说两种语言的人几乎可以在任何可以想象的职业中发挥关键作用.
永利登录网址希望这有助于回答您可能对翻译和口译的一些初步问题! Check out the next installment: Starting 从 Scratch.
这篇文章是回应永利登录网址在the Savvy Newcomer收到的问题的五篇系列文章中的第一篇. 有时这些问题来自翻译界的人, 也可以从对翻译和口译感兴趣的双语朋友和家人那里得到帮助&I). 永利登录网址希望本系列文章能够为那些考虑从事it行业的人提供指导&I and want to know where to start. See all posts in this series So You Want to be a Freelance Translator or 翻译.
I’m looking to enroll in an interpretation program. 你能推荐一个认可的机构让我在线上这个课程吗?
I am interested as well
我想参加一个翻译项目,这样我就可以获得永利登录网址和培训. Any suggestions an a accredited institution?
I want to move to somewhere in Mexico and be an interpreter. I’m 74 years old and took Spanish in Junior High and High School. I also had two semesters in college. 我有很多西班牙语书籍,更喜欢通过印刷书籍自学西班牙语.
This is the problem: I can’t find advanced college textbooks, because I don’t know the Publisher, 作者, Title, or ISBN of any given book. 你知道我在哪里可以买到大学水平的教科书,而不需要上一句中提到的标准吗?